A combination of two Greek words to symbolize the fusion between two concepts: 1) creativity fused with vision or 2) originality fused with sight.
Historically, the Greek god Prometheus or forethought, signifies the intellectual qualities of humans. He was thought to be the original teacher of technology and useful arts. Today the word promethean is defined to mean daringly original or creative.
Theia/Thia was the Titan goddess of light, sight, and vision. Today, Thia can be used as a name that carries a spiritual belief that individuals are bestowed as a gift and are connected to God with vision, purpose, elegance, and grace.
Thus, Promethia (Promethean + Thia) is word indicating creative insight meant not only as a company name but as an aspiration to bring a daring originality blended with a grounded vision to everything we do.